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That’s it!!! The crazy eating, the not exercising and the not caring for my body has stopped. I’ve set myself a challenge to get back to where I was with health and fitness. The “Get Healthy and Fit Challenge” encompasses my health, fitness, weight loss and well-being accomplishments I want to achieve for 2010. As I love working towards deadlines, my official start date was yesterday – Monday 18 January and my official end date is Sunday 24 April. Why the 24th of April you ask? Well my other half has entered into a triathlon and he is competing on that date. So while he’s getting healthy and fit for his triathlon, I’ve taken the opportunity to use that as my goal date. I will work and train along side him and see my goals being achieved. Body transformations can be achieved within 12 weeks and what with this 16 week timeframe I am going to see some amazing results not just physically but mentally. I am set on achieving this. Sooooooo……The goals I am setting out to achieve in this challenge are:


  • Improve eating by limiting the amount of processed food I consume
  • Change my diet to a gluten free diet
  • Eat as many natural foods as possible (lots of fruit & vegetables)
  • Improve my health by eating a cleaner diet.


  • Get back into running 10ks
  • Exercise everyday
  • Implement a fitness routine that I can stick to that isn’t over ambitious and I am able to complete
  • Learn to swim
  • Tone my body
  • Learn to love exercise again (believe it or not once upon a time I was a gym junkie)

Weight Loss

  • Lose between 7-10kgs
  • Lose 10% (7kgs) of body fat.
  • Fit back into my size 10 denim shorts
  • Fit back into my size 10D strapless black bra


  • Work towards being less self critical
  • Learn to love and accept my body
  • Stop thinking negative thoughts about my body
  • With every negative thought I have about myself change it to a positive one
  • Work on achieving inner peace – relaxation and mediation
  • Practice yoga
  • Fulfil my dreams
  • Don’t let people walk all over me.


I must remind myself when I have sabotaging thoughts that it is my subconscious mind acting out on the conscious’ minds thoughts. If I find it a battle I must change my though process and reprogram my subconscious minds to accept that this is the new path I will travel. The subconscious mind creates the path to the destination in my life. Everyday it goes out to create the situations, circumstances and opportunities that shape my life. My subconscious mind follows my beliefs and attitudes, and if I believe I am fat, lazy, ugly then my subconscious mind will ensure I stay fat, lazy and ugly. If I believe that I am slim, fit, healthy and beautiful then my subconscious mind will ensure it creates this, as it follows my beliefs and attitudes…they are it’s instructions! If I don’t like the way my life is…if there’s something I want to change…then I must change my attitudes and beliefs.

My challenge during my Get Fit and Healthy Challenge is to give my subconscious mind new instructions. To create new beliefs and new attitudes. I am the only one who can take control of my life! I am (my conscious mind) is in charge of my action, not my body (my subconscious mind) in charge of me.

I am the creator of my destiny and I choose to be a healthy inspiration to me, myself and I.


Today’s Eats

Breakfast – An amazing protein punch porridge creation:

A deliscious blend of good fats, protein & complex carbs

Morning tea – strawberries with low fat greek yoghurt, flaxseed and LSA:

Oh soo good!!

Lunch – vegetable stir fry with lamb:

What more could you ask for in a lunch...mmm

Afternoon tea – Green, orange and yellow capsicum sticks with 1/2 mashed avocado dip

Dinner – lean pork and steamed vegetables


I did a fantastic spin class this morning – I pushed myself that hard I felt ill afterwards but boy oh boy did it feel good to sweat!!

Have a good day everyone 🙂


Jennifer's journey to health and happiniess chronicles the ups and downs, achievements and adventures that Jennifer takes to find health and happiness. The journey that will focus on weight loss, good, nutritious eating and exercise with some adventures thrown in for the making. Grab a cuppa, sit back and join Jennifer in her quest for better health.

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April 2024